No matter where you are, you must know that the same God who called you and allowed you to begin this race is the same God that will escort you to your final destination. However, you must stay the course.

Have you ever driven to an unknown destination before? As you’re driving with your GPS on, you may find yourself not really driving too fast because you’re either listening or looking for your next turn. I can recall early on after getting my driver’s license, I drove to the outlets with my sister. I felt very confident when my dad gave me the directions as they were written on a piece of paper. Up until that point, I hadn’t done a lot of driving on the highway.
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At that moment, I had to decide to move forward even during uncertainty.
As I drove, I noticed that I wasn’t readily seeing the signs that were written on my paper. I immediately called my father and he said, “just because you don’t see it yet doesn’t mean that you’re going the wrong way”. What I didn’t realize was that I was going to have to believe - trust that the words written on that paper would get me to my intended destination. At that moment, I had to decide to move forward even during uncertainty.
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In life, you will also encounter different signs along your journey that make you feel like you’re not on the right path. Or, maybe, you feel as if you’re too far away from your intended destination.
No matter where you are, you must know that the same God who called you and allowed you to begin this race is the same God that will escort you to your final destination. However, you must stay the course.
Your ability to stay the course will be anchored in your belief system. Our beliefs serve as the foundation for everything we do in life. Beliefs look like an action of some kind. The progression most often looks like this.
You have or receive a thought of some kind.
If dwelt upon long enough, that thought takes roots in your heart and eventually becomes a part of your belief system if acted upon consistently.
If you look over the decisions that you’ve made along your journey they are the results of your belief system, whether good or bad.
If you’ve never made this decision, you have an opportunity to trust the written word of God as outlined in Romans 10:9-10; you must confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and you will be saved.
5 Keys to Help You Stay the Course
Keep Looking Forward – Don’t dwell in the past or keep looking back. God can’t take what you’re unwilling to give! When I played basketball, I was given a playbook that contained different plays for various defenses that I would face. I was given this ahead of time so that when the time came for me to be challenged by my opponent, I would know what to do! Jesus told us to be of good cheer. Why? Because He’s already overcome the world. You must keep looking forward by fixing your mind on things that are above (Colossians 3:2). Allow God’s mind to work in you (Philippians 2:5) by choosing to think on the right things (Philippians 4:8).
Tune Out Distractions – In order to stay the course, you have to remain in tune to the Father’s voice so that you know who and what to give your attention to. (Hebrews 12:1)
Your Posture is Key – You must know the position that you need to always be in. In addition to the playbook, I was also given a position with instructions that I needed to master to be effective in that role. I was then held responsible to play that position, consistently. Lastly, I had to remain in that position and not allow myself to get distracted or compare my role to those around me. (John 15:7; 2 Corinthians 10:12)
Maintain Your Expectation – When my daughter was playing softball and she’d be in the field, I would always tell her to “stay ready”. A fly ball or play could come her way at any moment. To stay the course, you must remain in constant expectation to see/receive the manifestation for what you’re believing God for. Expectation is developed because of your belief, consistently trusting that God is faithful to watch over His word. When you become convinced, a knowing is established within as you maintain your confession of faith. (Philippians 1:6)
Refuse to Give Up! Along the course, stop, get help when needed. He will show you who you need to talk to and what to do. (Jeremiah 33:3)